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Survey on Intrusion Detection System in IoT Network- A Review


Syed Ali Mehdi and Syed Zeeshan Hussain


Vol. 24  No. 12  pp. 87-94


Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a powerful communication and networking system for smart and automation processing. With the increasing usage of the Internet of Things in numerous critical activities, it is essential to ensure that the communication among these devices is safe and secure. The biggest threat to safe and secure communication is from cyber-attacks. Cyber-attacks have evolved and become more complex henceforth posing increased challenges to the data integrity, communication security, and confidentiality of the data. With its success in detecting security vulnerabilities in a communication network, intrusion detection systems are best integrated for securing IoT-based devices. But the integration of an intrusion detection system in an IoT-based network is a challenging task. This paper investigates the state of the art of IoT and intrusion detection system, the technology in use, and the technology challenges by reviewing notable existing works. A systematic literature review of 25 sources comprising 22 research papers and articles covering the threat models, intrusion detection system key challenges in IoT, Proposed models, and implementation of models, reviews, and evaluations are reviewed. The findings explore the needs and the best ways of integrating artificial intelligence-based intrusion detection systems in IoT networks for ensuring security and safety of communication.


The intrusion detection system, Internet of Things (IoT), Computer Security, Artificial Intelligence.