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Automated IoT-based Monitoring and Control System for Radio Broadcasting Network in Tanzania: A Case of Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC)


Hamisi Msimbe, Prof. Michael Kisangiri, and Dr. Judith Leo


Vol. 24  No. 11  pp. 209-216


A conventional system of monitoring and controlling radio towers requires ceaseless and physical attendance of human operators who oversee the operating conditions. Strenuous and daily effort is needed to access the broadcasting towers located on remote and elevated land surfaces. In general, the process is manual-based causing high operating costs and time consumed is high in information management of the equipment. This paper presents an automated IoT-based monitoring and control system to reduce the operation and time costs in radio broadcasting network. The proposed system employs an ultrasonic sensor, MQ2 sensor, DHT22 sensor, and raspberry pi camera attached to raspberry pi 4 board for continuous use of ESP32 to monitor and control forwarding power, reflected power, electrical units, fuel level, temperature, humidity, and smoke and then, send updated information to a blinky mobile application installed in the smart device. Based on the validation process, participants have agreed that at an average rate of 86% the developed proved to work effectively in ten radio broadcasting towers of TBC and can enhance the high- speed retrieval of information and minimizes operating expenses. Therefore, the study recommends implementation of the developed system to all TBCs towers.


.radio broadcasting network; telecommunication system; monitoring and control system; ESP32; blinky mobile application; operating status