Censoring Mechanism of Network packet traces has been studied in this paper which corresponds to the issue of client information security during network connectivity pinging. Typically when client checks its connectivity with server, its private information is communicated which can create vulnerability for the client. To solve this issue, censoring mechanism and censoring techniques have been read in depth with objective to provide a mechanism for securing clients information from revealing to any third party. An encryption mechanism is proposed, in this regard, for the encapsulation and encryption of private network information in the network traces. Different encryption techniques have been read in this regard and AES encryption with use of evaluation algorithm has been chosen for implementation. Packet socket algorithm has been chosen for creation of encryption technique and Java programming has been used for the task. Moreover, implementation technique is made in response to the prevailing problems, so that a proper solution may be formed. In the end, implementation is tested through Wireshark tool and it is ensured that during client server communication, encrypted data is not revealed to any of such kinds of tool. On the basis of tests, glitches have been removed. Paper is concluded by first explaining possible limitations to the mechanism and with the future recommended approaches and solution that can be applied for improving the technique of information censoring.