Artificial intelligence (AI) describes a variety of approaches in computer applications to mimic human learning. As this technology becomes increasingly prevalent, it is inevitable that it will enter the educational environment, as both an educational tool and topic of learning. STEM education, which deals with science, technology, engineering, and math, is perhaps the most appropriate educational field in which to introduce students to this new and rapidly growing technology. In recent years, educators, AI engineers, and educational researchers have published trial results of experimental curricula implementing AI technology in student and teacher education. This systematic literature review analyzed a sample of seven such publications to identify key trends in suggested best practices for the usage of AI in STEM classrooms. The sample was analyzed for keywords using MaxQDA. The results indicated three key trends among suggested best practices. The first was that AI is best taught to students when the technology itself is the topic of education. Another trend was that simulating real world applications of AI technology was most impactful in showing students the potential, limits, and ethical implications of AI. Finally, it was found that educators familiarity with AI is an important factor in their ability to employ it in the classroom.
Artificial intelligence (AI), Technology, STEM, Education, Systematic review.