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Integration of Logistics Systems of Developing Countries into International Logistics Channels


Hassan Ali Al- Ababneh, Ilona Yu. Dumanska, Ella M. Derkach, Anna V. Sokhetska, Liliia H. Kemarska


Vol. 24  No. 7  pp. 87-100


Modern logistics significantly influences the globalization and internationalization processes. Logistics systems are becoming increasingly important in todays rapidly changing environment. On the other hand, the development of global economic integration, business globalization contributes to the creation and development of international logistics systems and global supply chains towards the international market. The aim of the article was to investigate the national logistics systems of developing countries in the context of their integration capabilities. The main methods used in this study are statistical analysis, index, graphical and analytical methods, methods for estimating structural dynamic shifts, comparisons. Commonly used methods of economic research, as well as statistical analysis and interstate comparisons, economic modelling (trend analysis to determine the forecast level of LPI for Ukraine), etc. were also involved.


logistics systems, logistics performance, integration, transit, LPI, logistics portrait of the country.