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Cost Management for Security Applications


Arshi Naim, Zubairul Hasan


Vol. 24  No. 7  pp. 63-72


This is an extended paper, focusing on the cost management for the organizations dealing with the crucial issues of security systems. Information Technology (IT) is an important and irreplaceable need of society and all working sectors success depends on IT to a greater extent; therefore maintaining security features is one of the most important aspects of IT. When security in the IT sector is discussed, Patch Management (P.Mgnt) has to be taken under account. P. Mgnt includes many concerns and areas to be described for IT security such as methods and problems in updating patch, methods of reducing security risks with P.Mgnt, methods of achieving economies of scale by controlling the operational costs and taking decisions in investing as and when necessary. This paper presents a general definition of Patch management, its benefits and management of working cost through theoretical models, also the paper gives methods of feeding techniques for microstrip patch antenna MPA, showing the contracting and non contracting methods.


Patch Management; IT; Microstrip Patch Antenna; Feeding Techniques; Operational Costs, Economies of Scale