Software architecture are High-level design decisions shaping a software system's components, structure, and interactions. It can be a blueprint for development, evolution, and ongoing maintenance. This research investigates the communication practices employed by software architects and developers to ensure adherence to the designed software architecture. It explores the factors influencing the selection of follow-up methods and the impact of follow-up frequency on successful implementation. Findings reveal that formalized follow-up procedures are not yet a ubiquitous element within the software development lifecycle. While electronic communication, particularly email, appears to be the preferred method for both architects and developers, physical and online meetings are utilized less frequently. Interestingly, the study suggests a potential confidence gap, with architects expressing concerns about developers' ability to faithfully implement the architecture. This may lead to architects providing additional clarification. Conversely, while most developers reported confidence in their software knowledge, overly detailed architecture documentation may pose challenges, highlighting the need for architects to consider alternative communication strategies. A key limitation of this study is the sample size, restricting the generalizability of the conclusions. However, the research offers valuable preliminary insights into the communication practices employed for architecture implementation, paving the way for further investigation with a larger and more diverse participant pool.
software architecture, software styles, software maintenance, software development, software engineering.