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Improved Decision Tree Classification (IDT) Algorithm For Social Media Data


Anu Sharma. Dr. M.K Sharma, Dr. R.K Dwivedi


Vol. 24  No. 6  pp. 83-88


In this paper we used classification algorithms on social networking. We are proposing, a new classification algorithm called the improved Decision Tree (IDT). Our model provides better classification accuracy than the existing systems for classifying the social network data. Here we examined the performance of some familiar classification algorithms regarding their accuracy with our proposed algorithm. We used Support Vector Machines, Na?ve Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbors, decision tree in our research and performed analyses on social media dataset. Matlab is used for performing experiments. The result shows that the proposed algorithm achieves the best results with an accuracy of 84.66%.


Classification; Data Mining; Decision Tree; KNN; Social Network.