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Q&A Chatbot in Arabic Language about Prophet¡¯s Biography


Somaya Yassin Taher, Mohammad Zubair Khan


Vol. 24  No. 3  pp. 211-223


Chatbots have become very popular in our times and are used in several fields. The emergence of chatbots has created a new way of communicating between human and computer interaction. A Chatbot also called a ""Chatter Robot,"" or conversational agent CA is a software application that mimics human conversations in its natural format, which contains textual material and oral communication with artificial intelligence AI techniques. Generally, there are two types of chatbots rule-based and smart machine-based. Over the years, several chatbots designed in many languages for serving various fields such as medicine, entertainment, and education. Unfortunately, in the Arabic chatbots area, little work has been done. In this paper, we developed a beneficial tool (chatBot) in the Arabic language which contributes to educating people about the Prophet¡¯s biography providing them with useful information by using Natural Language Processing.


Artificial intelligence; natural language processing; Arabic chatbot