Different industries mostly rely on quality certification for promoting their products or brands. Although getting quality certification, specifically by human experts is a tough job to do. But the field of machine learning play a vital role in every aspect of life, if we talk about quality certification, machine learning is having a lot of applications concerning, assigning and assessing quality certifications to different products on a macro level. Like other brands, wine is also having different brands. In order to ensure the quality of wine, machine learning plays an important role. In this research, we use two datasets that are publicly available on the “UC Irvine machine learning repository”, for predicting the wine quality. Datasets that we have opted for our experimental research study were comprised of white wine and red wine datasets, there are 1599 records for red wine and 4898 records for white wine datasets. The research study was twofold. First, we have used a technique called backward elimination in order to find out the dependency of the dependent variable on the independent variable and predict the dependent variable, the technique is useful for predicting which independent variable has maximum probability for improving the wine quality. Second, we used a robust machine learning algorithm known as “XGBoost” for efficient prediction of wine quality. We evaluate our model on the basis of error measures, root mean square error, mean absolute error, R2 error and mean square error. We have compared the results generated by “XGBoost” with the other state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, experimental results have showed, “XGBoost” outperform as compared to other state of the art machine learning techniques.