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Speech Generation Using Kinect Devices Using NLP
D. Suganthi
Citation |
Vol. 24 No. 2 pp. 25-30
Various new technologies and aiding instruments are always being introduced for the betterment of the challenged. This project focuses on aiding the mute in expressing their views and ideas in a much efficient and effective manner thereby creating their own place in this world. The proposed system focuses on using various gestures traced into texts which could in turn be transformed into speech. The gesture identification and mapping is performed by the Kinect device, which is found to cost effective and reliable. A suitable text to speech convertor is used to translate the texts generated from Kinect into a speech. The proposed system though cannot be applied to man-to-man conversation owing to the hardware complexities, but could find itself very much of use under addressing environments such as auditoriums, classrooms, etc
Kinect, Gestures, Speech Synthesizers, Text to speech converter.