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Knowledge Representation Using Fuzzy Ontologies: A Survey


Mr.V.Manikandabalaji and Dr.R.Sivakumar


Vol. 23  No. 12  pp. 199-203


In recent decades, the growth of communication technology has resulted in an explosion of data-related information. Ontology perception is being used as a growing requirement to integrate data and unique functionalities. Ontologies are not only critical for transforming the traditional web into the semantic web but also for the development of intelligent applications that use semantic enrichment and machine learning to transform data into smart data. To address these unclear facts, several researchers have been focused on expanding ontologies and semantic web technologies. Due to the lack of clear-cut limitations, ontologies would not suffice to deliver uncertain information among domain ideas, conceptual formalism supplied by traditional. To deal with this ambiguity, it is suggested that fuzzy ontologies should be used. It employs Ontology to introduce fuzzy logical policies for ambiguous area concepts such as darkness, heat, thickness, creaminess, and so on in a device-readable and compatible format. This survey efforts to provide a brief and conveniently understandable study of the research directions taken in the domain of ontology to deal with fuzzy information; reconcile various definitions observed in scientific literature, and identify some of the domain's future research-challenging scenarios. This work is hoping that this evaluation can be treasured by fuzzy ontology scholars. This paper concludes by the way of reviewing present research and stating research gaps for buddy researchers.


Ontology, Fuzzy Ontology, Semantic Web, Fuzzy Ontology tools