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Digital Transformation Requirements at Saudi Universities from Faculty Members' Perspectives


Taha Mansor Khawaji


Vol. 23  No. 11  pp. 8-20


The current study aims to determine digital transformation (organizational, technical, and human resources) requirements at Saudi universities from Umm Al-Qura University faculty members' perspectives. The researcher used a quantitative approach based on the descriptive analytical design. To answer the questions of the study, the researcher used the questionnaire as a data collection tool. The questionnaire was sent electronically to faculty members working in colleges and institutes affiliated with Umm Al-Qura University in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire consisted of the three dimensions of digital transformation: organizational; technical; and human resources requirements. The results showed that requirements related to human resources came first with an average of 2.25 then the organizational requirements with an average of 1.95, and in the last, technical requirements came with an average of 1.64. In addition, some suggestions were given by the participants (faculty members) related to the mechanism that could contribute to implementing digital transformation at Saudi universities. Likewise, at the end of the study, the researcher has given some suggestions related to the implementation of digital transformation requirements at Saudi universities.


Digital Transformation, Technology, Saudi Universities, Faculty Members.