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Review on Energy Efficient Clustering based Routing Protocol


Kanu Patel, Dr. Hardik Modi


Vol. 23  No. 10  pp. 169-178


Wireless sensor network is wieldy use for IoT application. The sensor node consider as physical device in IoT architecture. This all sensor node are operated with battery so the power consumption is very high during the data communication and low during the sensing the environment. Without proper planning of data communication the network might be dead very early so primary objective of the cluster based routing protocol is to enhance the battery life and run the application for longer time. In this paper we have comprehensive of twenty research paper related with clustering based routing protocol. We have taken basic information, network simulation parameters and performance parameters for the comparison. In particular, we have taken clustering manner, node deployment, scalability, data aggregation, power consumption and implementation cost many more points for the comparison of all 20 protocol. Along with basic information we also consider the network simulation parameters like number of nodes, simulation time, simulator name, initial energy and communication range as well energy consumption, throughput, network lifetime, packet delivery ration, jitter and fault tolerance parameters about the performance parameters. Finally we have summarize the technical aspect and few common parameter must be fulfill or consider for the design energy efficient cluster based routing protocol.


Internet of Things (IoT), wireless sensor networks (WSN), Clustering, Routing protocol, Energy consumption