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An Enhanced Text Mining Approach using Ensemble Algorithm for Detecting Cyber Bullying


Z.Sunitha Bai, Sreelatha Malempati


Vol. 23  No. 5  pp. 1-6


Text mining (TM) is most widely used to process the various unstructured text documents and process the data present in the various domains. The other name for text mining is text classification. This domain is most popular in many domains such as movie reviews, product reviews on various E-commerce websites, sentiment analysis, topic modeling and cyber bullying on social media messages. Cyber-bullying is the type of abusing someone with the insulting language. Personal abusing, sexual harassment, other types of abusing come under cyber-bullying. Several existing systems are developed to detect the bullying words based on their situation in the social networking sites (SNS). SNS becomes platform for bully someone. In this paper, An Enhanced text mining approach is developed by using Ensemble Algorithm (ETMA) to solve several problems in traditional algorithms and improve the accuracy, processing time and quality of the result. ETMA is the algorithm used to analyze the bullying text within the social networking sites (SNS) such as facebook, twitter etc. The ETMA is applied on synthetic dataset collected from various data a source which consists of 5k messages belongs to bullying and non-bullying. The performance is analyzed by showing Precision, Recall, F1-Score and Accuracy.


Enhanced Text Mining Approach, Ensemble Algorithm, Detecting Cyber Bullying