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The Security and Privacy Issues of Fog Computing


Sultan Algarni, Khalid Almarhabi, Ahmed M. Alghamdi, Asem Alradadi


Vol. 23  No. 4  pp. 25-31


Fog computing diversifies cloud computing by using edge devices to provide computing, data storage, communication, management, and control services. As it has a decentralised infrastructure that is capable of amalgamating with cloud computing as well as providing real-time data analysis, it is an emerging method of using multidisciplinary domains for a variety of applications; such as the IoT, Big Data, and smart cities. This present study provides an overview of the security and privacy concerns of fog computing. It also examines its fundamentals and architecture as well as the current trends, challenges, and potential methods of overcoming issues in fog computing.


Security, Privacy, Fog, Computing, Filter, IoT.