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Using Roots and Patterns to Detect Arabic Verbs without Affixes Removal


Abdulmonem Ahmed, Aybaba Han?rlio?ullar©¥, and Ali R©¥za Tosun


Vol. 23  No. 4  pp. 1-6


Morphological analysis is a branch of natural language processing, is now a rapidly growing field. The fundamental tenet of morphological analysis is that it can establish the roots or stems of words and enable comparison to the original term. Arabic is a highly inflected and derivational language and it has a strong structure. Each root or stem can have a large number of affixes attached to it due to the non-concatenative nature of Arabic morphology, increasing the number of possible inflected words that can be created. Accurate verb recognition and extraction are necessary nearly all issues in well-known study topics include Web Search, Information Retrieval, Machine Translation, Question Answering and so forth. in this work we have designed and implemented an algorithm to detect and recognize Arbic Verbs from Arabic text.The suggested technique was created with ""Python"" and the ""pyqt5"" visual package, allowing for quick modification and easy addition of new patterns. We employed 17 alternative patterns to represent all verbs in terms of singular, plural, masculine, and feminine pronouns as well as past, present, and imperative verb tenses. All of the verbs that matched these patterns were used when a verb has a root, and the outcomes were reliable. The approach is able to recognize all verbs with the same structure without requiring any alterations to the code or design. The verbs that are not recognized by our method have no antecedents in the Arabic roots. According to our work, the strategy can rapidly and precisely identify verbs with roots, but it cannot be used to identify verbs that are not in the Arabic language. We advise employing a hybrid approach that combines many principles as a result.


Verb; Arabic; root; pattern