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Channel Transfer Function estimation based on Delay and Doppler Profile for underwater acoustic OFDM communication system


Shiho Oshiro, Tomohisa Wada


Vol. 23  No. 1  pp. 96-102


In this paper, we proposed Channel Transfer Function estimation based on Delay and Doppler Profile for underwater acoustic OFDM communication system. It improved the estimation accuracy of the channel transfer function by linear time interpolation the change of Scattered Pilot (SP) insertion frequency in the time direction and the time by Delay and Doppler profile that analyzes the multipath situation of the channel investigated the performance of interpolation by simulation and report it. Previous works is inserted SP every 4 OFDM. It was effective under the environment without multipath, but it has observed that the effect of CTF compensation has been lowered in multipath channel condition. In addition to be better when inserted SP every 2 OFDM. But the amount of sending data will be decrease. Therefore, we conducted research to improve 4 OFDM with new interpolator. A computer simulation was performed as a comparison of SP inserted every 4 OFDM, SP inserted every 2 OFDM, and 4 OFDM with new interpolator. the performance of the proposed system is overwhelmingly improved, and the performance is slightly improved even 64 QAM.


CTF, AUV, underwater acoustic communication, OFDM, Delay and Doppler estimation