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Review of an Efficient Software Metric Parameters for Component-Based Software Engineering


Iyyappan. M, Sultan Ahmad, Jabeen Nazeer, A.E.M. Eljialy, and Shoney Sebastian


Vol. 22  No. 11  pp. 778-784


Large software systems are being produced with a noticeably higher level of quality with component-based software engineering (CBSE), which places a strong emphasis on breaking down engineered systems into logical or functional components with clearly defined interfaces for inter-component communication. The component-based software engineering is applicable for the commercial products of open-source software. Software metrics play a major role in application development which improves the quantitative measurement of analyzing, scheduling, and reiterating the software module. This methodology will provide an improved result in the process, of better quality and higher usage of software development. The major concern is about the software complexity which is focused on the development and deployment of software. Software metrics will provide an accurate result of software quality, risk, reliability, functionality, and reusability of the component. The proposed metrics are used to assess many aspects of the process, including efficiency, reusability, product interaction, and process complexity. The details description of the various software quality metrics that may be found in the literature on software engineering. In this study, it is explored the advantages and disadvantages of the various software metrics. The topic of component-based software engineering is discussed in this paper along with metrics for software quality, object-oriented metrics, and improved performance.


Complexity metrics; object-oriented metrics; size metrics; software metrics; software quality; software metrics; Component Based Software Engineering(CBSE)..