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Digitalization and Legal Regulation of Public and Private Transactions in the Digital Environment: Concepts and Development Prospects
Oleksandr Harahonych, Liydmyla Panova, Lina Doroshenko, Afat Mirzayeva, and Asmar Aliyeva
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 11 pp. 644-650
Economic relations, which are increasingly modernized, confirm the fact that IT technologies penetrate all spheres of human life. Private and public transactions are no exception. Today, in Ukraine, as in different other countries, there are a number of problematic issues regarding digitization and legal regulation of public and private transactions in the digital environment. Therefore, taking into account the dynamics of development, the rapidity of changes manifested both in practice and in the legislative dimension, the complexity of legal regulation of public and private transactions, and the specifics of transactions on the Internet, there is a need to analyze in detail the features of the digital environment and digitization and the legal regulation of public and private transactions, as well as development prospects in such an environment. The purpose of the work is to analyze the features of digitization and legal regulation of public and private transactions in the digital environment, as well as the prospects for such development. The method of analysis and synthesis, the method of theoretical generalization, and systematization serve as the methodological foundation of this study. As a result of the conducted research, the features of digitization and legal regulation of public and private transactions in the digital environment and the prospects for the development of such regulation were analyzed. In particular, it was noted that today there are problems with the legal regulation of the digital economy. At the same time, the legal regimes of various state systems of the world testify to the need to create a proper system for protecting the rights of subjects on the Internet and to create tools aimed at protecting both state interests and economic subjects.
Digitization, digital economy, innovation, digital environment, development of information society, public transactions, private transactions.