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Features of Digitalization of Jurisprudence in the Context of Improving the Legal System


Iryna Khomyshyn, Ivan Dragan, Oleksii Sidelkovskyi, Pylyp Yepryntsev, Olena Fatkhutdinova


Vol. 22  No. 11  pp. 585-589


The main purpose of the article is to identify key aspects of the digitalization of jurisprudence in the context of improving the legal system. The law should create the regime of the greatest assistance to the innovative processes taking place today. Information technologies, actively introduced into all spheres of society, have a significant impact. Attempts to feel and comprehend this influence become the basis for the emergence of the information society - a society where the main value of its functioning is information. Based on the results of the study, key elements of the digitalization of jurisprudence were identified in the context of improving the legal system.


digitalization, legal system, jurisprudence, system.