The article considers inclusive education, which is the basis and most effective form of obtaining high-quality education for people with special needs. The main principles of inclusive education are highlighted. Interaction between students with special educational needs and other children in inclusive classes contributes to the establishment of friendly relations between them. In the humanistic interpretation, the goal of special education is to include a person in broad social relations, taking into account his personal development and individual needs. The problem of inclusive education in the modern innovation space is considered. The main goal of inclusive education is to eliminate any discrimination in the educational process, ensure the accessibility of education for all, and the achievement of this goal can be organized in different ways, which is observed in the educational systems of different countries. The tasks that require influence from the state education management system in organizing the education of children with special needs are highlighted. The article examines the experience of teaching children and young people with special psychophysical development in European countries. It is proved that in the vast majority of European countries, inclusive education is the main form of education for people with disabilities. The results of the analysis of the experience of introducing inclusive education in developed European countries make it possible to assert that in European countries special educational institutions function and provide assistance to children with disabilities, but they are not segregative cells. The ""borders"" between special and general education are transparent, implicit, and democratic countries promote the values of civil society, the ideas of equality, tolerance, and inclusion.
inclusive quality education, modern innovation space, Education, development, special education, special needs, European countries..