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Food Security through Smart Agriculture and the Internet of Things


Dr. Sara Jeza Alotaibi


Vol. 22  No. 11  pp. 33-42


One of the most pressing socioeconomic problems confronting humanity on a worldwide scale is food security, particularly in light of the expanding population and declining land productivity. These causes have increased the number of people in the world who are at risk of starving and have caused the natural ecosystems to degrade at previously unheard-of speeds. Happily, the Internet of Things (IoT) development provides a glimmer of light for those worried about food security through smart agriculture?a development that is particularly relevant to automating food production operations in order to reduce labor expenses. When compared to conventional farming techniques, smart agriculture has the benefit of maximizing resource use through precise chemical input application and regulation of environmental factors like temperature and humidity. Farmers may make data-driven choices about the possibility of insect invasion, natural disasters, anticipated yields, and even prospective market shifts with the use of smart farming tools. The technical foundation of smart agriculture serves as a potential response to worries about food security. It is made up of wireless sensor networks and integrated cloud computing modules inside IoT.


Internet of Things (IoT); Smart Agriculture; Wireless Sensor Networks; Precision Agriculture; Real-Time Analytics; Remote Monitoring; Artificial Intelligence.