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Exploring Support Vector Machine Learning for Cloud Computing Workload Prediction




Vol. 22  No. 10  pp. 374-388


Cloud computing has been one of the most critical technology in the last few decades. It has been invented for several purposes as an example meeting the user requirements and is to satisfy the needs of the user in simple ways. Since cloud computing has been invented, it had followed the traditional approaches in elasticity, which is the key characteristic of cloud computing. Elasticity is that feature in cloud computing which is seeking to meet the needs of the user¡¯s with no interruption at run time. There are traditional approaches to do elasticity which have been conducted for several years and have been done with different modelling of mathematical. Even though mathematical modellings have done a forward step in meeting the user¡¯s needs, there is still a lack in the optimisation of elasticity. To optimise the elasticity in the cloud, it could be better to benefit of Machine Learning algorithms to predict upcoming workloads and assign them to the scheduling algorithm which would achieve an excellent provision of the cloud services and would improve the Quality of Service (QoS) and save power consumption. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the use of machine learning techniques in order to predict the workload of Physical Hosts (PH) on the cloud and their energy consumption. The environment of the cloud will be the school of computing cloud testbed (SoC) which will host the experiments. The experiments will take on real applications with different behaviours, by changing workloads over time. The results of the experiments demonstrate that our machine learning techniques used in scheduling algorithm is able to predict the workload of physical hosts (CPU utilisation) and that would contribute to reducing power consumption by scheduling the upcoming virtual machines to the lowest CPU utilisation in the environment of physical hosts. Additionally, there are a number of tools, which are used and explored in this paper, such as the WEKA tool to train the real data to explore Machine learning algorithms and the Zabbix tool to monitor the power consumption before and after scheduling the virtual machines to physical hosts. Moreover, the methodology of the paper is the agile approach that helps us in achieving our solution and managing our paper effectively.


Cloud Computing; Optimising Quality of Service (QoS); Resource management, Machine Learning.