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Use of Digital Educational Resources in the Training of Future Specialists in the EU Countries


Olga Plakhotnik, Valentyn Zlatnikov, Olena Matviienko, Oleksandr Bezliudnyi, Anna Havrylenko, Olena Yashchuk, Pavlo Andrusyk


Vol. 22  No. 10  pp. 17-24


The article proves that the main goal of informatization of higher education institutions in the EU countries is to improve the quality of education of future specialists by introducing digital educational resources into the education process. The main tasks of informatization of education are defined. Digital educational resources are interpreted as a set of data in digital form that is applicable for use in the learning process; it is an information source containing graphic, text, digital, speech, music, video, photo and other information aimed at implementing the goals and objectives of modern education; educational resources on the Internet, electronic textbooks, educational programs, electronic libraries, etc. The creation of digital educational resources is defined as one of the main directions of informatization of all forms and levels of Education. Types of digital educational resources by educational functions are considered. The factors that determine the effectiveness of using digital educational resources in the educational process are identified. The use of digital educational resources in the training of future specialists in the EU countries is considered in detail. European countries note that digital educational resources in professional use allow you to implement a fundamentally new approach to teaching and education, which is based on broad communication, free exchange of opinions, ideas, information of participants in a joint project, on a completely natural desire to learn new things, expand their horizons; is based on real research methods (scientific or creative laboratories), allowing you to learn the laws of nature, the basics of techniques, technology, social phenomena in their dynamics, in the process of solving vital problems, features of various types of creativity in the process of joint activities of a group of participants; promotes the acquisition by teachers of various related skills that can be very useful in their professional activities, including the skills of using computer equipment and various digital technologies.


digital educational resources, training of future specialists, EU countries, tasks of informatization of Education, types of digital educational resources by education functions, factors that determine the effectiveness of using digital educational resour