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Socio-Pedagogical Prevention of Student Youth Addictive Behaviour at the University


Oleksiy Karamanov, Zoia Kramska, Tetiana Tarasova, Oksana Surmach, Liudmyla Sydorchuk, Olena Krykunova, and Liudmyla Khomenko


Vol. 22  No. 9  pp. 587-594


Negative social processes in modern society lead to violation of social adaptation of modern youth which is characterized by abuse of one or several psychoactive substances. Concerning formation of addictive behaviour students of the highest institutions of education are vulnerable. It is reasonable that scheduled maintenance with the youth inclined to the use of psychoactive substances, has to play an important role in teaching and educational process of the university and go for minimization of factors of social risk, creation of an optimum social situation of development of the personality, disclosure of internal potential, to eliminate factors and the conditions of application of psychoactive substances. In research the made attempt to investigate efficiency of forms and methods of socially pedagogical work from prevention of addictive behaviour of student¡¯s youth in teaching and educational process of the university behind three directions: work with teachers, work with parents, work with students.


Addictive Behaviour, Students, University, Prevention, Teachers, Parents.