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Evaluation of Multifactor User Security Through Multi Authentication Verifiable Hybrid Revert Encryption for Cloud Computing Environment


J. Mohammed Ubada and Dr. M. Mohamed Surputheen


Vol. 22  No. 9  pp. 481-488


Cloud computing, distributed computing, and computing module with the following data, and instead of storing the data centers. The advanced cloud technology has changed is sent from the remote server to access the target data. It is used to send those programs, to calculate the cloud service provider, to run parallel processors and to run large data centers. Cloud users enjoy the environment where cloud computing provides services on demand without maintaining data in their local systems. Many security methods operate on data from the cloud, although there are some issues with reducing cloud performance. They take a long time approaching the third party system to grant permission in multi security authentication. To handle this issue, an efficient multi-factor authentication access restriction scheme has been proposed. The Multifactor Authentication Verifiable Hybrid Revert Encryption (MAVHRE) is strong authentication, the legality of providing multi-factor access to the cloud before. The proposed method is used multifactor authentication there are used OTUP, Graphical user authentication and cloud access key validation. Fist to verify the user OTUP verification before enter the cloud request. The OTUP password is verified then to authenticate user verification with help of the Graphical user authentication. This mechanism's primary key work achievement is the guarantee for both the data's privacy and security depending on OTUP and Graphical user authentication. Similarly, it also needs a user cloud for each service provider to verify anonymously to avoid malicious communication service providers. The above analysis shows that the proposed scheme is highly efficient and reduces the constitution's complexity in Cloud Computing.


cloud computing, authentication scheme, data's privacy and security, Multi- factor Authentication Verifiable Hybrid Revert Encryption (MAVHRE), OTUP (One Time User Password), Graphical user authentication.