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Quality of Service using Min-Max Data Size Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks


A.Revathi and Dr. S.G.Santhi


Vol. 22  No. 9  pp. 327-333


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) plays an important role in our everyday life. WSN is distributed in all the places. Nowadays WSN devices are developing our world as smart and easy to access and user-friendly. The sensor is connected to all the resources based on the uses of devices and the environment [1]. In WSN, Quality of Service is based on time synchronization and scheduling. Scheduling is important in WSN. The schedule is based on time synchronization. Min-Max data size scheduling is used in this proposed work. It is used to reduce the Delay & Energy. In this proposed work, Two-hop neighboring node is used to reduce energy consumption. Data Scheduling is used to identify the shortest path and transmit the data based on weightage. The data size is identified by three size of measurement Min, Max and Medium. The data transmission is based on time, energy, delivery, etc., the data are sent through the first level shortest path, then the data size medium, the second level shortest path is used to send the data, then the data size is small, it should be sent through the third level shortest path.


Scheduling, Wireless Sensor Networks, Data Size, Time Synchronization, Energy.