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Development of the Recommender System of Arabic Books Based on the Content Similarity


Shaykhah Hajed Alotaibi and Muhammad Badruddin Khan


Vol. 22  No. 8  pp. 175-186


This research article develops an Arabic books¡¯ recommendation system, which is based on the content similarity that assists users to search for the right book and predict the appropriate and suitable books pertaining to their literary style. In fact, the system directs its users toward books, which can meet their needs from a large dataset of Information. Further, this system makes its predictions based on a set of data that is gathered from different books and converts it to vectors by using the TF-IDF system. After that, the recommendation algorithms such as the cosine similarity, the sequence matcher similarity, and the semantic similarity aggregate data to produce an efficient and effective recommendation. This approach is advantageous in recommending previously unrated books to users with unique interests. It is found to be proven from the obtained results that the results of the cosine similarity of the full content of books, the results of the sequence matcher similarity of Arabic titles of the books, and the results of the semantic similarity of English titles of the books are the best obtained results, and extremely close to the average of the result related to the human assigned/annotated similarity. Flask web application is developed with a simple interface to show the recommended Arabic books by using cosine similarity, sequence matcher similarity, and semantic similarity algorithms with all experiments that are conducted.


Recommendation system, books, cosine similarity, sequence matcher, semantic similarity, content-based algorithm.