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Investment Support for the Digitalization of Socio-Economic Systems in the Context of Ensuring Security


Myroslav Kryshtanovych, Iryna Gorban, Lesia Kornat, Anatolii Dykyi, Nadiia Marushko


Vol. 22  No. 6  pp. 733-738


At the current stage of development of the world economy, the main task is to stimulate the transition from raw materials export strategies to strategies of reindustrialization and modernization of economic relations. To solve this problem, it is necessary to implement material production based on high technologies, a new material and technical base of economic entities, most of which should be the latest machinery and equipment. This is possible in the conditions of a sharp increase in the volume of attracting investments in fixed capital at the regional level of socio-economic systems. Thus, the task of analyzing the directions of attracting investments in socio-economic systems is becoming the most relevant topic of various scientific studies and requires close attention in the context of digitalization of the socio-economic space in the world. The results of the study identified the main features of the investment support for the digitalization of socio-economic systems.


socio-economic systems, high technologies, investment support, digitalization, security