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A Detecting Technique for the Climatic Factors that Aided the Spread of COVID-19 using Deep and Machine Learning Algorithms


Waad Al-Sharari, Mahmood A. Mahmood, A. A. Abd El-Aziz, and Nesrine A. Azim


Vol. 22  No. 6  pp. 131-138


Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is viewed as one of the main general wellbeing theaters on the worldwide level all over the planet. Because of the abrupt idea of the flare-up and the irresistible force of the infection, it causes individuals tension, melancholy, and other pressure responses. The avoidance and control of the novel Covid pneumonia have moved into an imperative stage. It is fundamental to early foresee and figure of infection episode during this troublesome opportunity to control of its grimness and mortality. The entire world is investing unimaginable amounts of energy to fight against the spread of this lethal infection. In this paper, we utilized machine learning and deep learning techniques for analyzing what is going on utilizing countries shared information and for detecting the climate factors that effect on spreading Covid-19, such as humidity, sunny hours, temperature and wind speed for understanding its regular dramatic way of behaving alongside the forecast of future reachability of the COVID-2019 around the world. We utilized data collected and produced by Kaggle and the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science. The dataset has 25 attributes and 9566 objects. Our Experiment consists of two phases. In phase one, we preprocessed dataset for DL model and features were decreased to four features humidity, sunny hours, temperature and wind speed by utilized the Pearson Correlation Coefficient technique (correlation attributes feature selection). In phase two, we utilized the traditional famous six machine learning techniques for numerical datasets, and Dense Net deep learning model to predict and detect the climatic factor that aide to disease outbreak. We validated the model by using confusion matrix (CM) and measured the performance by four different metrics: accuracy, f-measure, recall, and precision.


Coronavirus; COVID-19; Machine learning; Deep learning, Climate factors changes.