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Assessing the Application of Evidence-Based Behavioral Intervention from the Teachers of Students with Intellectual Perspective


Halah M. Al-Harbi and Derar M. Alqudah


Vol. 22  No. 4  pp. 545-550


The current study sought to identify the extent to which teachers of students with intellectual disabilities apply evidence-based behavioral interventions. The researchers designed and developed a questionnaire to collect data from the sample of the study which consisted of (192) teachers (male and female). The findings of the study demonstrated that the behavioral interventions are highly applied by the teachers of students with intellectual disabilities. In addition, the findings have also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences for the application of behavioral interventions due to the gender variable except for the dimensions of (positive behavior support, the classroom management) in favor of female teachers. Further, it was found that there were no statistically significant differences due to the variable of educational experience. However, there were statistically significant differences due to the variable of educational experience for the dimension of (supporting the positive behavior) in favor of (6-10 years of educational experience), and the dimension of (obstacles) in favor of (more than 11 years of educational experience). Moreover, there were no statistically significant differences due to the educational qualification variable except for the dimension of (classroom administration and total degree) in favor of (bachelor¡¯s degree) and (login and exit strategy, self-management and challenges) in favor of (postgraduate studies degree). In addition, there were no statistically significant differences due to the variable of training courses, while there were differences in the dimensions of classroom management for (Bachelor degree), self-management, login and exit strategy, and challenges in favor of (postgraduate studies).


evaluation, application, behavioral interventions, intellectual disability, evidences